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Friday, November 17, 2017

Human Rights Watch: CCP Launches a New Round of Persecution Against the Church of Almighty God

Human Rights Watch: CCP Launches a New Round of Persecution Against the Church of Almighty God

       (November 13, site news) On 23rd October 2017, the International Conference on “Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees” was held in Seoul, South Korea. The conference discussed the human rights issues of North Korean refugees and Christians from the Church of Almighty God. At the conference, Italian sociologist and director of the Center for Studies on New Religions Prof. Massimo Introvigne, former chair of the European Union Working Group on Humanitarian Aid Ms. Rosita Šorytė, and former North Korean diplomat in the Czech Republic Kim Tae San, gave speeches at the conference. Several South Korean media reported on the conference, while websites such as CESNUR and FOB in Europe also reprinted the contents of the conference. The CESNUR website also made a public statement on the International Day of Religious Freedom on October 27, making an appeal for the Church of Almighty God, which is being severely persecuted by the CCP.
      Observers from this site have learned that, as more and more international human rights organizations and international personalities begin to pay attention to and understand the Church of Almighty God, the CCP authorities became ever more alarmed and started a new round of persecution against the Church of Almighty God. According to sources from the Church of Almighty God, the CCP recently organized and deceived several Christian families of the Church of Almighty God to travel to South Korea, in order to jointly hold a series of demonstration and protest activities to defame, condemn and discredit the Church of Almighty God with Wu X Yu, the representative of a religious website in South Korea: At about 10 am on November 8, a group of people that included Wu X Yu held a press conference at the gate of Jeju courthouse. Several people held up a banner saying, “My family members are not refugees,” and asked the courthouse to dismiss the refugee appeal applications from the Church of Almighty God. There were seven or eight burly middle-aged men walking back and forth, with a stern look on their faces; on November 9, they held a press conference again in the Seoul Press Center building, continuing with an emphasis on the refugee appeal applications from the Church of Almighty God; on November 10, at the entrance of the Seoul Immigration Office, a man wearing a mask held a banner protesting against the collective refugee applications from the Church of Almighty God; on November 11 and 12, Wu X Yu once again led a protest demonstration at the entrance of the Church of Almighty God in South Korea, with the focus of this protest being the refugee applications of Christians from the Church of Almighty God in South Korea.
      Some human rights activists have condemned this series of actions and considered them shameless acts that interfere with the implementation of the Korean refugee law.

 Photo captions:

At about 9:30 am on November 8, in front of the Jeju courthouse, Wu X Yu instigated the spokesperson to make out the situation of their family members in Mainland China to be more serious than it is when speaking to the media, raising concerns. At around 10 am, a press conference was held at the entrance of the Jeju courthouse.

In the morning of November 9, Wu X Yu and others held a press conference at the Seoul Press Center, with an emphasis on the refugee appeal applications from the Church of Almighty God (the photo from the Internet).

In the morning of November 10, a masked man staged a protest at the entrance of the Seoul Immigration Office.

From 9 am to 2 pm on November 11, Wu X Yu and others raised banners at the entrance of the Church of Almighty God. A few men in masks circled around the church and took some photos.

From 10 am to 3 pm On November 12, Wu X Yu and others held a demonstration at a prayer house of the Church of Almighty God.

Source: "Human Rights Watch: CCP Launches a New Round of Persecution Against the Church of Almighty God "

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